Sunday, December 26, 2010

Auto Scrolling (Marquee) Widget For Recent Posts

This post explains how to add auto scrolling (marquee) Blogger recent posts in your blog which looks cool in your blogspot blog. This is similar to display recent posts in your side bar, but this will have marquee effect in this widget. You can scroll recent posts horizontally or vertically according to your need.

Steps to add auto Scrolling HTML code:

  • First sign in your Blogger dashboard
  • Go to Layout > Add Gadget > Add HTML/Javascript
  • Copy the HTML code, Copy and paste in blogger HTML/Javascript window.


Here The HTML Code For Auto Scrolling (Marquee)
<script style="text/javascript" src=""> </script><script style="text/javascript"> var
 nMaxPosts = 10; 
var sBgColor; var nWidth; 
var nScrollDelay = 175; var sDirection="left";
 var sOpenLinkLocation="N"; 
var sBulletChar="•"; </script> 
<script style="text/javascript" src=""> </script> 

Change the values in the HTML code as per your requirement (Default values are good, but change http://yourblog.blogspot to your blog address compulsary):

nMaxPosts = 10; (Number of posts you want to display)

var nScrollDelay = 175;  (Speed of the scrolling text, change the number and increase or decrease the speed)

var sDirection=”left”  (left for scrolling horizontally and up for scrolling verically)

Also change to your blog address in the HTML code.

Thats all, now enjoy the scrolling widget in your blog. Ant doubts? ask via comments..